Your Prayer Guide

This concise prayer guide has been created to assist you in setting aside time for prayer.

To begin, here are two key principles for improving your prayer life:

  1. We learn to pray by practicing prayer

  2. We learn to pray by incorporating scripture into our prayers

Tip: Use the psalms and other biblical prayers as your own. Any scripture can be transformed into a prayer. This is perhaps the most valuable advice you'll receive regarding prayer.

3 Ideas to Help You Get Praying:

  1. Incorporate prayer into your daily routine. Whether you're walking the dog, washing dishes, showering, or traveling to work, weave prayer into the natural flow of your day.

  2. Transform a scripture from your Bible reading into a personal prayer. Write it down to reinforce the connection.

  3. Pray through the Lord's Prayer daily. Don't just recite it—pause between lines and improvise like a jazz musician, making it your own. Click here to download our guide on using the Lord's Prayer effectively.

7 Prayer Points to Include in Your Prayer Time:

1) Alpha: Launching from 4th October. Pray for people to encounter Jesus. Who can you pray for and invite?

2) Water Baptism: Pray for those being baptized on 24th November and for their ongoing discipleship. Pray for an increase in people giving their lives to Jesus and taking the step of water baptism.

3) Prodigals: Pray for family members who aren't currently following Jesus. Pray for our sons, daughters, relatives, and friends to return to God.

4) Spiritual Growth: Pray for our personal relationship with the Lord. That we'll grow closer to Jesus, experience a fresh move of the Holy Spirit, and have our character transformed into His likeness.

5) Healing: Pray for those in our church family with chronic pain or illnesses. Pray for physical healings to occur as we gather to worship and hear God's Word proclaimed.

6) Our Youth & Kids: Pray for God to bless our children and all volunteers working with young people. Pray for our children to encounter Jesus and experience God's presence personally.

7) Church Finances: Pray for breakthroughs in our church finances, both corporately and for individual members. Pray for God to stir people's hearts to give and to provide for those who call City Life Church home.

Extra Resource: Thoughts & Prayers Series

If you’re looking for some inspiration as you pray, why not revisit a preaching series from January 2024. Thoughts & Prayers guides us through the different themes of the Lord's Prayer. Below are the links to each of the 6 parts.

  • Part 1: How to begin a conversation with God by Pastor Jonny - click here

  • Part 2: Rearrange your Priorities by Pastor Jonny - click here

  • Part 3: The Small of God’s Provision by Julian - click here

  • Part 4: The Great Invitation by Amy - click here

  • Part 5: The Forgotten Chord of Prayer by Pastor Jonny - click here

  • Part 6: Pray Until Something Happens by Pastor Jonny - click here


Day 1 Call To Prayer - Alpha


Becoming Mature: The Adventure of Faith and the Battle Against Sin