“Grow in Strength” 2025

Strengthen your stakes Isaiah 54:2

“We can only spread at the speed of our strength”

Ps Jonny Clarke Vision Sunday 2025

Strengthen the stake:

Of Truth

Of Tables

Of Talking with Jesus

Of Training

Strengthen your stakes Isaiah 54:2

Our 4 Core Values as Church:

  1. Truth

  2. Tables

  3. Talking With Jesus (prayer)

  4. Training

Next steps

Playing your part in our 2025 vision.

1. Time

How am I using my time to grow daily, weekly and monthly in strength this year?

2. Talent

How am I using the talents God has given me to invest into Church family, to serve and to add strength this year?

3. Treasure

How am I using my treasure to invest into my local Church to add strength this year?



Resources ⋆